Monday 17 September 2012

Organize your life as a newlywed

When you are newly married begin to appear a thousand and one things to do. In addition to your normal activities, maintenance and administration of the new home. Quiet! Just arrange and gradually have everything under control.

Gone are the wedding madness. Now it seems that the world comes at you with the many responsibilities that are beginning to emerge, so the first thing is to arrange to go step by step building their new life together. These tips will help:

Learning. Now you not only have to worry about your stuff, so a good idea is to talk to your mom or your mother on how to organize everything, how to manage your home and see how they solve each situation.

Routine. Start something new is not easy, hard to learn the routine that we follow, and more when you have to add a lot more to the routine you had before and unmarried. But once you get used to everything will be easier, you can gradually cover more things.

Order. It is important to allocate places everything in the house, so it will be easier to organize the cleaning and maintenance.

Keep things that will not use and it exposes what really use every day. Each time you use an appliance or anything else return it to its place and so will keep the order. In all this, your husband should participate.

Agenda. It is advisable to carry an agenda where you can write down your earrings and activities to do. So you do not forget anything and you'll be solving everyday household chores.

Purchases. Write down a list of things that are going to be needed and Have it on hand. You can stick it on the fridge or anywhere and do not forget that when you go to the supermarket! Having a list will greatly facilitate purchases and save you time.

Cooking. If you cook, organize your time and set a time of day to do it. Ask your mother and grandmother recipes, notes in a notebook the ingredients and steps, plans the menu all week and make all possible combinations to vary each day. Surprise him with little touches like a special dinner or your favorite dessert.

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