Monday 17 September 2012

How to wear a white smile in your wedding

There are several things that can affect our teeth and if you want to look radiant on their wedding day here we have prepared some tips for whiter teeth and a beautiful smile to show off your special day.

Nothing better to show off a beautiful smile white teeth. On a day as important as your wedding day, every bride wants to look perfect from head to toe and it is normal for some months before starting the diet or made ​​different clothing or makeup tests. This time we have prepared some tips on what you can do to look whiter teeth for your wedding day.

As at any other time of life, the daily cleaning of the teeth is essential. The recommendation is three times a day after meals, but if picked something between meals is always a good option to make brushing teeth are not waste anything.

There are different things that can damage the enamel of the teeth, such as coffee, wine, tea and highly acidic foods. But probably one of the most damaging is the cigar, which after a while makes teeth look darker.

Today there are various whitening treatments that can be applied at home. Many are very good and you can notice a significant bleaching as time passes. A product is commonly applied directly to the teeth and should be maintained for several hours, so applied regularly overnight.

Another option is to visit a dentist to do laser bleaching. One advantage of this type of treatment is that you get an instant whitening should neither weaken teeth or your natural enamel. It is best to consult your dentist and ask about this option, you can certainly offer the best choice.

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